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德国不来梅大学(Universität Bremen),经济学博士,2013




2021.01- 教授,js6668金沙登录入口js6668金沙登录入口

2014.10-2020.09 教授(W1),杜伊斯堡-埃森大学,德国

2013.11-2014.09 博士后研究员,杜伊斯堡-埃森大学,德国

2010.06-2013.09 助教,不来梅大学,德国

2017.08- 客座教授,南开大学js6668金沙登录入口

2021.05- 研究员,js6668金沙登录入口新结构经济学研究中心

2021.12- 兼职研究员,中国新一代人工智能战略研究院

2018.11- 兼职研究员,中国国有经济研究中心,js6668金沙登录入口

2020.05- 兼职研究员,中国研究中心,纳瓦拉大学,西班牙

2021.01- 《中国经济研究》主编

2022.01-Journal of Data Economy主编

2017.09-Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies(JEEE)编委





1. Dai, Shuanping, M. Taube, J. Liu, G. Liu. 2023, Innovation Network Formation and the Catalyzing State: A study of two innovative industry clusters in China. Journal of Contemporary China. Accepted. (SSCI Q1)

2. Zou, Y., M. Taube, G, Liu, and S. Dai, 2022, Agile Business Development, Chinese Style: An Exploration of the Low-speed Electric Vehicle Industry in Shandong Province, China, The China Review, 22(1): 107-133(SSCI Q2)

3. Dai, Shuanping, Z. Li, J. Li. 2022, Institutions, corporate governance, and entrepreneurship: a research agenda for Chinese world-class enterprises (guest editorial), Chinese Management Studies, 16(4):733-740. (SSCI Q4)

4. Li, Z., T. Liu & S. Dai. 2022, Understanding Chinese Automobile firms: past, present, and path to be world-class, Chinese Management Studies, 16(4):787-802. (SSCI Q4)

5. Yu, W. S. Dai, F. Liu & Y. Yang. 2022, Matching Disruptive Innovation Paths with Entrepreneurial Networks: A new perspective on startups’ growth, Asian Business and Management forthcoming (SSCI Q3)

6. Heinrich, Torsten; J. Yang, and S. Dai, 2022, Levels of Structural Change: An analysis of China’s development push 1998-2014, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 32(1), 35-86. (SSCI Q2)

7. Dai, Shuanping; Wolfram Elsner, 2021. Shrinking Trust in Growing China, Forum for Social Economics, 50(3):297-315. Reprint in, Wang, Z. and Eleftherios Giovanis, N. eds. The Economic Rise of China, Routledge, 2022.

8. Dai, Shuanping, M. Taube, 2021. Strategic ambiguity in policy formulation: exploring the function of the term “township and village enterprises” in China’s industrial ownership reforms, Journal of Chinese Governance, 6(2): 232-256(SSCI Q2)

9. Liao, H., L. Yang, S. Dai, and Van Assche, A. 2021. Outward FDI, industrial structure upgrading and domestic employment: empirical evidence from the Chinese economy and the belt and road initiative, Journal of Asian Economics, 74, 101303 (SSCI Q2)

10. Dai, Shuanping; G. Yang, 2020. Does Social Inducement Lead to Higher Open Innovation Investment? An Experimental Study, Sustainability, 12 (5): 2115(SSCI Q2)

11. Dai, Shuanping, M. Taube, 2020. The Long Tail Thesis: Conceptualizing China’s Entrepreneurial Practices in Fintech and Electric Vehicles, Chinese Management Studies, 14(2): 433-454. (SSCI Q4)

12. Wang, Q., C. Gao, and S. Dai, 2019. Effect of the Emissions Trading Scheme on CO2 Abatement in China, Sustainability, 11(4): 1055. (SSCI Q2)

13. Dai, Shuanping, Y. Wang; and Y. Liu, 2019. The Emergence of Chinese Entrepreneurs: Social Connection and Innovation, Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, 11(3): 351-368. (ESCI)

14. Heinrich, Torsten, S. Dai, 2016. Diversity of Firm Sizes, Complexity, and Industry Structure in the Chinese Economy, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 37: 90-106. (SSCI Q1)

15. Li, Zheng, and S. Dai. 2009. Which Theory is Directing China’s Reform of State-Owned Enterprises: From 1978 to 2008 and Onward? Journal of East Asian Studies, 1: 319-342.


16. Dai, Shuanping. 2015. Networks of Institutions: Institutional Emergence, Social Structure and National Systems of Policies, Routledge.

17. Dai, Shuanping, and Markus Taube. eds. 2019. China’s Quest to Innovation: Institutions and Ecosystems, Routledge.


18. Dai, Shuanping; Wolfram Elsner, 2022. Shrinking Trust in Growing China, in Wang, Z., Eleftherios Giovanis, N. (eds.) The Economic Rise of China. Routledge.

19. Dai, Shuanping, Markus Taube, 2019. “Institutional Foundation of China’s Quest for Innovation: Introduction” in Dai, S. and M. Taube (eds.) China’s Quest to Innovation: Institutions and Ecosystems, Routledge.

20. Dai, Shuanping, Davydova, A., and Liu, Y. 2019. “Technology, Social Beliefs, and National System of Innovation Policies: Reflections on China’s Innovation Policies after 2006” in Dai, S. and M. Taube (eds.) China’s Quest to Innovation: Institutions and Ecosystems, Routledge.

21. Dai, Shuanping. 2018. “China’s Idiosyncratic Economics: An Emerging Unknown Monism Driven by Pluralism”, in Decker, S. et al. (eds.) Teaching Economics in the 21st Century. Epistemology, Pedagogy, and Practices of Teaching Alternatives and Pluralism, Routledge.

22. Dai, Shuanping. 2016. “Innovation and National Systems of Innovation Policies: A Network Approach” in Gräbner, C. et al. eds. “Policy Implications of Evolutionary and Institutional Economics”, Routledge.

23. Dai, Shuanping. 2012. “T.C. Schelling (1978) and R. Axelrod (1984) on Segregation” in W. Elsner. “Microeconomics of Interactive Economies”, Edward Elgar.


1. 代栓平,生物经济发展的机遇与挑战,《人民论坛》,2022年8月上。

2. 代栓平、邹瑜,负责任的人工智能:欧盟创新政策组合分析,《复旦公共行政评论》,2021年,第24辑。

3. 代栓平,纪玉山,《中美贸易争端的警示:加快发挥综合竞争优势,推动技术自主创新》,《社会科学辑刊》,2018年第6期:28-37.

4. 代栓平,《创新的复杂性:互动结构与政策系统》,《南开学报: 社科版》,2018年第6期: 134-146. 《人大报刊复印资料》全文转载,2019年第1期。

5. 代栓平,《创新政策:国家功能与治理体系》,《公共行政评论》,2017年第6期;

6. 纪玉山,代栓平,《中国石油消费的动态影响因素分析》,《经济与管理研究》,2008年第1期;

7. 纪玉山,代栓平,《霍夫曼理论适合中国的工业化模式吗?》,《js6668金沙登录入口社会科学学报》2007年第2期:93-99;

8. 纪玉山,代栓平,《制度网络:概念界定与形式建构》,《制度经济学研究》,2007年第2辑,总第16辑:20-38;

9. 纪玉山,代栓平,《东北老工业基地振兴:一个结构主义视角》,《经济与管理研究》,2006年第11期;

10. 纪玉山,代栓平,《建立和谐社会应注意经济发展的社会成本问题》,《js6668金沙登录入口社会科学学报》,2005年第6期;

11. 纪玉山,张洋,代栓平《技术进步与居民收入分配》,《当代经济研究》,2005年第5期:55-58;

12. 纪玉山,代栓平,贾成中,《在效率优先的基础上重建社会公平》,《经济与管理研究》,2005年第8期:55-59;2005年第11期《人大复印资料:理论经济学》全文转载;

13. 纪玉山,代栓平,何翠翠,《中等收入者比重的扩大及“橄榄型”财富结构的达致》,《社会科学研究》,2005年第2期:35-40;2005年第5期《人大复印资料:社会主义经济理论与实践》和2005年第7期《人大复印资料:国民经济管理》全文转载。


14. 丁一兵、代栓平、赵岳阳,“世界袜子辽源造”:吉林辽源袜业转型发展的新结构经济学解释,载于林毅夫等著,《新结构经济学视角下区域经济高质量发展和产业升级》,格致出版社,2022年4月。

项目基金资助 (近五年)

2022- 吉林省教育科学规划课题青少年发展专项“吉林省青少年科技创新实践教育研究”(主持)

2022- js6668金沙登录入口基本科研业务费哲学社会科学研究项目“中国特色创新经济学的自主知识体系研究”(主持)

2022- 21世纪大学学术联盟国际合作项目“碳中和转型中的产业、治理和社会的结构型转型(Net Zero Emission Transition: structural changes in industry, governance and society)”(主持)

2021- 吉林省总工会“劳动者权利保护和智能经济发展互动研究”(主持)

2021- 吉林省社会科学基金(重点项目)“新发展阶段吉林省促进农业创新链与产业链深度融合问题研究”(主持)

2021- js6668金沙登录入口东北振兴发展研究院“js6668金沙登录入口服务吉林省新兴产业培育与发展的路径研究”(主持)


2022 中国青年创新论坛,优秀论文奖

2021 js6668金沙登录入口励新优秀青年教师培养计划(重点培养阶段)

2019 企业成长与中国创新第十届年会,优秀论文二等奖

2016 最佳论文奖,第三届国际开放创新年会,美国






2015-欧亚管理学会(Euro-Asia Management Study Association, EAMSA)

2010-留欧/留英经济学家学会(CEA UK/Europe)

2012-演化经济学会(Association for Evolutionary Economics, AFEE)

2012-欧洲演化经济与政治学会(European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, EAEPE)