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China and the Global Economy

发布时间:2019-03-07      点击数量:

讲座题目:China and the Global Economy


主讲人: Andrew W K Farlow   高级研究员






    全球经济正处于动荡之中,金融、经济、政治和社会都存在不稳定的风险。本次讲座由2008年金融危机研究领域的知名专家Andrew Farlow主讲,旨在探讨金融危机前后采取的经济模式和政策中出现的问题以及到现在仍然存在的问题。它将讨论美国,中国,俄罗斯,欧盟(特别是英国脱欧之后)和新兴经济体的当代形势。它将研究世界贸易,全球化和保护主义不断变化的形态,并讨论政策制定者应如何应对以上情况。寻找下一次金融危机的潜在原因和避免方法并同时调查:债务的增加及其导致的金融不稳定性;中央银行政策对金融市场的影响;金融创新(如比特币)及其潜在创造的金融泡沫;以及金融不稳定性开始和蔓延的新方法。如果我们希望创造一个更加繁荣和稳定的世界,它将开启一场关于我们,特别是中国必须采取行动的辩论。讲座将介绍Andrew Farlow即将发表的新书 “Crash and Beyond” 的中文版。

The global economy is in the midst of economic upheaval, with the risk of financial, economic, political, and social instability. This lecture, by a leading expert on the 2008 financial crash, will explore what went wrong, and what is still going wrong, with the economic models and policies adopted before and after that crash. It will discuss the contemporary situation in the US, China, Russia, the EU (notably with Brexit), and emerging economies. It will examine the changing shape of world trade, globalisation, and protectionism, and discuss how policy-makers should respond. In seeking the potential causes of, and ways to avoid, the next crash, it will investigate: the rise of debt and its ability to cause financial instability; the impact of central bank policies on financial markets; recent financial innovations (such as Bitcoin) and their potential to create financial bubbles; and new ways for financial instabilities to start and spread. It will open up a debate about how we, and especially China, must act if we wish to create a more prosperous and stable world. The lecture will introduce the forthcoming Chinese edition of Andrew Farlows book Crash and Beyond.


    Andrew Farlow,经济学家,在剑桥大学和牛津大学接受过广泛的教育。研究兴趣及领域包括宏观经济学,金融,银行,新技术和健康。现任牛津大学马丁学院高级研究员、动物学系高级研究员(空间生态与流行病学组)、赛德商学院和研究部高级研究员、奥利尔学院研究员。教授的课程包括货币、银行业和宏观经济学、经济学理论下的全球卫生、公共卫生和政策以及人类和兽医方案疫苗学等。他的学术研究方法主要应用于金融和银行系统危机和崩溃、投机泡沫、房地产市场不稳定、宏观经济政策等方面。